Mandatory training module links are below for new CERT members
There are two FEMA courses that are mandatory for all new members to complete within 90 days of receiving their certificates. Please click either course link below to begin.
ICS 100
ICS 700
For the next IS-317 Basic Training course, contact [email protected]
There is no charge for this course and no obligation to join CERT upon completion!!
The Goffstown Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is currently offering its Basic Training Class through the Londonderry or Nashua CERT programs at no cost to the public. The training program, which again is free of charge, is designed to prepare individuals to help themselves, their families, their neighborhoods, or work place in the event of a disaster.
The training takes just a few hours to complete and provides critical skills in emergency preparedness and response. The course covers fire safety, light search and rescue, disaster medical operations, and disaster trauma psychology as well as many other facets of emergency preparedness.
Dates and times for the next basic training class are:
Class Times Date Day Upcoming Members Training for Jul/Dec 2023
Sat Sept 23, 2023 8:00am - 4:00pm Londonderry, NH
Sat Sept 30, 2023 8:00am - 4:00pm Link to Register:
IS-317 CERT Basic Training Refresher for current CERT Members,
Check the CERT calendar for times and location.
REQUIRED TRAINING FOR THE GOFFSTOWN Community Emergency Response Team Membership
1) Must attend the Basic Training Course
2) Complete IS-100 [series] within 90 days upon acceptance into CERT
3) Complete IS-700 [series] within 90 days upon acceptance into CERT
1) Complete IS-200 [series] within 90 days upon appointment
2) Complete IS-800 [series] within 90 days upon appointment
1) Logistics Officer – Complete IS-703 within 90 days of appointment
2) Public Information Officer – Complete IS-29 within 90 days of appointment
3) Lead Amateur Radio Operator [LARO]– Complete Basic FCC License Course
4) Executive Director - IS-2200 Basic EOC Functions (also suggested for Logistics and Operations Officers)
INDIVIDUAL REJOINING CERT [after long absence]
1) Must Complete IS-317 (online course) within 30 days of approval of return
COURSE LIST Link to Courses:
1 IS-100 [series] Introduction to Incident Command
2 IS-200 [series] ICS for Single Resource and Initial Action Incident
3 IS-317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Team
4 IS-700 [series] National Incident Management System Introduction to
5 IS-29 National Incident Management System NIMS Public Information Officer Awareness
6 IS-703 NIMS Resource Management
7 IS-800 [series] National Response Framework, an Introduction
8 IS-2200 Basic EOC Functions
Other Training Opportunities:
The NH Emergency Preparedness Training Conferences for 2023.
The New Hampshire Emergency Volunteer Conference is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, 2023 from 8:30am - 2:45 pm at the National Guard Training Facility, 722 Riverwood Dr, Pembroke, NH. Here is the registration link:
Dates TBD: VolunteerNH hosts the Governor's Conference on Volunteerism (Virtual Conference). Registration info is not yet available. Once available, the link to its registration will be posted here:
There are two FEMA courses that are mandatory for all new members to complete within 90 days of receiving their certificates. Please click either course link below to begin.
ICS 100
ICS 700
For the next IS-317 Basic Training course, contact [email protected]
There is no charge for this course and no obligation to join CERT upon completion!!
The Goffstown Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is currently offering its Basic Training Class through the Londonderry or Nashua CERT programs at no cost to the public. The training program, which again is free of charge, is designed to prepare individuals to help themselves, their families, their neighborhoods, or work place in the event of a disaster.
The training takes just a few hours to complete and provides critical skills in emergency preparedness and response. The course covers fire safety, light search and rescue, disaster medical operations, and disaster trauma psychology as well as many other facets of emergency preparedness.
Dates and times for the next basic training class are:
Class Times Date Day Upcoming Members Training for Jul/Dec 2023
Sat Sept 23, 2023 8:00am - 4:00pm Londonderry, NH
Sat Sept 30, 2023 8:00am - 4:00pm Link to Register:
IS-317 CERT Basic Training Refresher for current CERT Members,
Check the CERT calendar for times and location.
REQUIRED TRAINING FOR THE GOFFSTOWN Community Emergency Response Team Membership
1) Must attend the Basic Training Course
2) Complete IS-100 [series] within 90 days upon acceptance into CERT
3) Complete IS-700 [series] within 90 days upon acceptance into CERT
1) Complete IS-200 [series] within 90 days upon appointment
2) Complete IS-800 [series] within 90 days upon appointment
1) Logistics Officer – Complete IS-703 within 90 days of appointment
2) Public Information Officer – Complete IS-29 within 90 days of appointment
3) Lead Amateur Radio Operator [LARO]– Complete Basic FCC License Course
4) Executive Director - IS-2200 Basic EOC Functions (also suggested for Logistics and Operations Officers)
INDIVIDUAL REJOINING CERT [after long absence]
1) Must Complete IS-317 (online course) within 30 days of approval of return
COURSE LIST Link to Courses:
1 IS-100 [series] Introduction to Incident Command
2 IS-200 [series] ICS for Single Resource and Initial Action Incident
3 IS-317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Team
4 IS-700 [series] National Incident Management System Introduction to
5 IS-29 National Incident Management System NIMS Public Information Officer Awareness
6 IS-703 NIMS Resource Management
7 IS-800 [series] National Response Framework, an Introduction
8 IS-2200 Basic EOC Functions
Other Training Opportunities:
The NH Emergency Preparedness Training Conferences for 2023.
The New Hampshire Emergency Volunteer Conference is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, 2023 from 8:30am - 2:45 pm at the National Guard Training Facility, 722 Riverwood Dr, Pembroke, NH. Here is the registration link:
Dates TBD: VolunteerNH hosts the Governor's Conference on Volunteerism (Virtual Conference). Registration info is not yet available. Once available, the link to its registration will be posted here: